*Deep Tissue, Swedish, and/or Rejuvenation Massage
*Pre and Post Operative/Injury Rehabilitative Bodywork
*Prenatal and Perinatal Massage
*Lymphatic Reset Massage
*Biodynamic Craniosacral
*Myofascial Release
*Trigger Point Therapy
*Sinus/Facial Massage
*Hot Stone Massage

Deeply personalized and holistic bodywork therapy designed by Kristin to support your journey to integrate pivotal, transformational, and/or "breakdown to breakthrough" life experiences. Click here to learn more.

Reiki is translated from the Japanese as 'universal life energy.' Through a 'laying on of hands,' the client helps co-create a space of inviting/receiving this energy, which facilitates the body's natural ability to heal itself. Guided visualization, affirmations, chakra balancing, and other techniques or resources may be incorporated into the session.
Quantum Light Energy Medicine fundamentally begins with a state of awareness called Biodynamic Presence. Together, the practitioner and the client create a powerhouse team via resourcing, and from that foundation we access the deepest states of self - the void - to create the conditions for the body/mind/spirit/heart to bring about their own, perfect, healing.

Limpia meaning clean or cleanse, also known as a 'Flower Bath,' is a traditional practice of receiving and partnering with a plant ally or allies.
Partnering with a plant(s) is a way of connecting and nurturing relationship with the spirit or consciousness of a plant, to learn about the personality and superpowers of that plant, to bring the essence of that plant's energy/healing capabilities into our physical, emotional, mental, and spiritual selves, and to build a deeper connection with ourselves as nature, and with Pachamama, Mother Earth.
The purpose of a limpia is well described thus: 'Disease is seen as an imbalance within a person or his/her environment, and the traditional healer seeks to restore balance and bring harmony not only within an individual, but between an individual and his/her community and the spiritual world. To cleanse a person of negative energy, a limpia (energetic and spiritual cleansing) is often given.'
'A bundle of herbs is used to absorb the negative energies of the body and is passed over the entire body. The bundle is beaten over the back of the knees and in the front as well with the exhortation to the person's spirit to "come" and return to the body "so that you are where you are." The herbs are believed to absorb the negative energies of the body, and, in return, provide their positive energies to bring peace and harmony to the person being cleansed.'
Limpias can be performed:
1. A bath, where the plants are soaked in water and this mixture is poured over the one receiving the bath, while also passing a bundle of herbs over the body and singing healing songs or icáros. The bath may also be massaged into the feet, legs, hands, arms, and head of the recipient.
2. A vapor sauna, where the plants are added to hot water, and the recipient will hold the bowl while covered with a cloth or blanket to allow the floral/herbal steam to envelope them and breathing in the essence of the plant. This is also accompanied by a passing of a bundle of herbs over the body and singing healing songs or icáros.
3. A dry limpia where we invite the elements of fire and air to bathe the recipient in the smokes of the plant(s), accompanied by a passing of a bundle of herbs over the body and singing healing songs or icáros.
There are many kinds of limpia practices all over the world. The plant limpia I practice comes from the Shipibo/Conibo, Quechua/Lamista, and Mestizo lineages of Peru, and we do a dry style limpia in studio. This is a lovely video to see the traditional process of a bath-style limpia.

A dry limpia paired with a 60min massage/bodywork session. The perfect union of medicine for the body and spirit. 90min session

One-on-one session via zoom where we connect and help you prepare for, provide insight into, and integrate plant medicine, spiritual awakenings, and other altered experiences. Please reach out to me for more information about this service (not currently available for online booking)!
For some more insight, here is a piece I wrote about Post Ceremony Self-Care.
One-on-one sessions via Zoom or in person if you are in the greater Carson City/Reno/Lake Tahoe area, where I provide coaching and guidance as we explore the magic that is your voice and expression. Meaningful work for those who:
*want to enhance their musicianship
*wish to feel more confident in their self-expression
*would like to discover new ways of self-care/healing through the voice
*are ready to be more comfortable with public speaking/expression
*just want a deeper experience of their own voice.
To read more about Rhapsodic Release Voice Activation, as well as view a small sample of my own Rhapsodic Release Activation play, click here
Please reach out to me for more information if you are interested in being a fellow Voice Explorator (not currently available for online booking)!